
CROI 2016 Podcasts

The Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections makes the same sessions that are available as webcasts available as podcasts.

If the links below do not automatically subscribe you to the podcast feed, copy the feed URL below and subscribe to podcast in your preferred app.

For example, on iOS:

  1. Open the Apple Podcasts app
  2. Go to Library tab, select edit, then "Add a Show by URL..."
  3. Enter one of the podcast feed URLs listed below
  4. Select subscribe

Audio Podcasts

Subscribe to CROI Podcasts (RSS XML)

  1. Click on the link above and copy the URL of the page to your clipboard.
  2. Launch a podcast aggregator, e.g., iTunes.
  3. In iTunes, select Advanced, Subscribe to Podcast and paste the URL from your clipboard.